Monday, June 19, 2006

Die Alex. Go to Hell, Ang.

My mother and her sister, both who have long names that are easily transformed into an array of nicknames, decided when they were having children that they wanted us to have names that would be concise so that they could not be shortened.

So, although my Mom and Dad liked several other names, they settled on Helen because there wasn't a nickname to go with it like some of the other options in my parent's name bank ( Alexandra...Angelina).

So my mom went with Helen and my aunt went with Diana.

Now people call us Hel and Di.



At 5:53 AM, Blogger Vhessa said...

As the saying goes... If there's a will... There's the nickname calling! As for me... I'm still stuck with Besa, Vessa (Vesa/Vhessa), Vane, Vaness, and my personal favorite (not) Vanene! Just thankful that they didn't reduce my Fatima to Fatty or Fat (I'm not fat) or Ima Or Tima... Wait a minute, they have... Imang! Anyways, I hate people who are so creative in inventing nicknames! You must be laughing right now... Hey! Me too (only with the sound of sarcasm)! Don't ask why.


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