Thursday, June 01, 2006

Baby Boy Blue

I would imagine that working as a Genius at the Apple Store is very much like a career as a pediatric cardiologist.

I just got back from the Apple Store because my ipod started flipping out recently- doing crazy things like turning off for no good reason, saying crazy things, threatening me, and just being a general asshole.

My ipod was out of warranty and I didn't expect much, but then the Apple Genius, Nate, came back with a look in his eye.

Apple Genius Nate: As you know I don' t think that your ipod is really going to last much longer....

Me: (sigh) I suspected.. but I just didn't want to believe it...

AGN: And you're out of warranty by a few months... so....

Me: (tearfully) I know, I know... I should have acted sooner, I just thought it was just normal problems, I didn't think it was fatal... I figured it would go away...

AGN: Well, yes, but... I looked in the cabinet and we happen to have a blue mini ipod that would exactly replace your blue mini ipod...

Me: Oh my God.. OH MY GOD.. I can't believe you're doing this... I can't believe there's a match!!

AGN: Well, just a minute maam'.. it's not goin to be exactly the same... we don't have an engraver.. so you've lost that... but everything should be in perfect working order as soon as you install your songs....

Me: That's FINE! I don't even care if it's BLUE. I'm just so greatful! I don't know ... I just don't know how to THANK YOU.. I don't know what to say... I feel so... so....

AGN: No problem.. have a nice day Miss. Green

And then he sent me off with a pat on my ass** and a twinkle in his eye and I felt like a girl whose child had just recieved a new heart and who was taking that child on vacation to her favorite city in America with two of her oldest and best friends to eat tacos. Oh wait! I am a girl who's doing that! Except with my baby blue IPOD!

**He didn't really pat me on my ass but if he did that would have been just FINE by me since I was so greatful. IN FACT, if I ever see AGN at a bar, I hope no one minds, but I am definitely buying him drinks and making out with him because HE DESERVES IT!!!


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