Thursday, June 15, 2006


After spending the greater part of my morning on a rather conservative message board, I decided to get back to my roots and hippy it up yesterday for lunch at Whole Foods.

"Your roots? Hippy? Come on Helen?"

Ok, well maybe not my original roots, as I do come from the most Republican county in New York, but my COLLEGE roots, when I lived in Binghamton's CIW, the "hippy" dorms!

"Helen? You mean the two years you spent rolling your eyes at hippies and laughing uncontrollably everytime they said 'damn the man'"

Ugh fine! I told you I can't be categorized!

"You did. You did say that!"

Wow! I'm such an enigma...

"Right. Anyway?"

Oh right.. anyway.. so I got lunch at Whole Foods with Sarah. Something light to balance out a lot of heavy eating the day before. (Bacon, egg & cheese breakfast w/ a sweet latte, tomato soup for lunch, chocolate peanut butter milkshake for snack, cheeseburger and beer for dinner) But then, as we were walking past the cheese section I felt an intense craving for some Brie.

"Should I get cheese!?"
"Why not?"
"I guess it's better to snack on at work than something sugary..."
"I mean cheese isn't that great for you, but since when am I a health nut?And also a block this big will last me like a week!"
"Exactly. It's a good snack."

It is 24 hours later and that Brie is over. Totally eaten, by me. I have no willpower.


At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brie has calcium though. Calcium it good for your bones. I say, eat all the brie you want!


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