Monday, August 15, 2005

Young Marrieds

I'm always really skeptical when I hear of young people getting married. When I think about it, usually I'm like "Alright well... I guess," but as a NY girl with an unstable career, getting married so early seems like getting something wonderful over with that could be even more fun and less stressful in the future. It is different though if you have a stable career and can do things like buy a house and you dont' need to focus on your next career move and you can focus on things like flowers and cakes and catty bridesmaids.

My cousin, who is, I believe 22 is getting married in October. They live in Connecticut. He's a nurse and I think she's a teacher. My feelings when I heard about this were exactly like above, immediatly skeptical (is she pregnant? Are they dumb?), then upon further assesment, understanding, yet still not something I would have ever done at 22. I figured, ya know what, they're probably more mature than me and my boyfriend but in different ways. However, upon even further assemesment, this time of their wedding registry, I have reverted back to my feelings that there is a reason 22 years should not get married. They will regret this registry in the future, when they realize what they could and should have registered for.

I'm not sure how long the link will last but here it is:

Reasons, based on their registry that my cousin, Eric John, whom I do not really know, should not get married:

#1: They registered for 1 each of a bath towel, a hand towel and a wash cloth in 5 different colors, none of which matched and just one of each.

#2: They have a fondue pot on their registry- isn't that the ultimate no no that your mother tells you since you're like 5- "You'll only use the fondue pot once."

#3 They registered for the following: a classic pop up toaster and then a regular toaster. Then they registered for an electric skillet, a George Forman grill, a panini grill, an electric griddle and a quesidilla maker. All basically the same thing. You plug them all in and then you press food. I guess this is what you do when you don't live in a tiny Manhattan apt. You get a lot of stuff to fill the space instead of trying to find space to put all the stuff.

And the kicker...

#4 They registered for shot glasses. SHOT GLASSES. That would be enough, but they registered for 2 sets of shot glasses! AND THERE'S MORE! One is a set of 6 and one is a set of 25!

I am READY and waiting for this wedding!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Save Yourself from the Sunshine State!

We just got back from a "vacation" in Florida. Florida has got some classy peeps down there. When I heard my cousins were moving down there I almost had a panic attack. They're young and impressionable and have the capability to be intelligent young adults. Florida can ruin this! I do not want my babes ruined. Florida has the WORST school system in the country and at 3, 7 and 9 these kids futures are at stake. I have since found out that in school, my cousin Jake, in the 4th grade, colors in the morning and watches TV in the afternoon while his teacher leaves the room. Now I know why it has such a bad rap.

It became increasingly apparent that either you're an entrepeneur or you're a lackey and there is no in between. I didn't meet one person that didn't fall into this category. My cousin Brandon, who is my age confirmed that this was indeed true. For two seconds it made me want to move to Florida and become a succesful entrepeneur, but then I remembered the kind of people I had dealt with all week and the converations I had held. It was really shocking and disconcerting. So I won't be moving to Florida. They don't even have food delivery down there AND the beer and food isn't any cheaper in supermarkets. The sun is great but half of the women look like suede coats found at the Salvation Army.

We went to my cousins house as they entered it as the first time as residents. It was so beautiful and spacious but all I kept thinking about is my little cousin Annie, 7, beautiful, blonde, smart and vibrant-- in 5 years smoking cigarettes and pregnant uttering racial slurs on the corner wearing shorts way too short and shopping at stores like this one we saw at their local mall. Only in Florida folks, only in Florida.