Monday, April 03, 2006

Thing that is dangerous:


It's the most dangerous thing EVER!

Because sometimes you're drunk and sometimes you're ditsy (or at least I am) and you IM the wrong person the wrong thing.

I am not drunk today at work. I swear. I haven't had an alcoholic beverage in ohhhh 13 hours. BUT I am ALWAYS a bit ditsy.(Right Mom and Dad? My parents never cease to remind me of this. NEVER.) The fact is: I don't understand the bizarre inter office IM system.

So now, after an IMing mistake on my part, my friend and temporary office mate is rumored to have a boyfriend who doesn't care about her. This is not true. She doesn't even have a boyfriend- the IM was totally taken out of context. But now the man my IM was delivered to has invited her to lunch to meet his son tomorrow. We are red faced.

I'm suddenly really grateful that we didn't have IM at my last job. I would have made such a mistake and I would have been fired WAY earlier than I was. And it would have NOT been a mistake firing and I would NOT have been rehired due to a communication error. Communication would have been MY error.

Embarrassment is the worst.


At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's okay Helen, I forgive you. lol


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