Tuesday, March 07, 2006

And so goes the first day of the rest of my life....

My phone is not working today. Cingular apologizes on it's messge. Do they not realize what this means to me? Who could be calling me? How important today could be in relation to the rest of my life? For Real.

I'll tell them.

1. I auditioned for a commercial yesterday. I did a damn fine job of biting into a cracker and then being SHOCKED at it's exploding new taste. They could need my availability!

2. I have had several agent meetings in the past few months. They could be calling me telling me that they lost my number but they recently found my headshot and thanked the Lord that they had not lost the number for their newest big talent.

3. I am single and looking for love in very specific places.

4. I have resumes out there for jobs. Good jobs, exciting jobs, creative jobs, jobs that don't involve me using terms like "timber acquisitions," like my current job does.

5. I am bored. Well not bored as in nothing to do, bored more like antsy, gotta get out of the office and stop making travel arrangements bored. My friend works down the block. Maybe she's bored too. Maybe we could get some coffee and discuss all the prospects that we are both missing out on because of Cingular.

My phone is working again. No one has called back. None of the agents or casting directors or future employers or coffee mates or love interests. I hope they didn't give up on me. I haven't given up on them. Thanks a lot Cingular.


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