Thursday, August 31, 2006

Lay Off the Caffeine, You're Getting Over Zealous There, Mr. Starbuck

Monday I went to Starbucks in Trump Tower. Everything was normal. Except for one thing. I got my Grande Skim Chai hot. Because it was cold out. I tried not to think about it and focused on the company.

Tuesday I went to Starbucks in Trump Tower. It's the last week of August and I was wearing a turtleneck and about to order a hot cappuccino. Something was clearly off. (And also, what's up? I never get cappuccinos at Starbucks. The abnormality of the other circumstance must have messed with my taste buds.) This was not good, but I tried to focus on the company anyway.

UNTIL, I reached the cashier at the kiosk. Above her head was something that I could swear was not there the day before and should not be there until, let's say the beginning of October- a PUMPKIN LATTE SIGN!

It is NOT Pumpkin Latte Season!

It is month after my birthday, smelling like college, "I want to wear my new sweater but it's way too hot, but I'll do it anyway, because I want to look like someone from a college catalog," perfect eating outside weather, 'I can't wait till see what the new fall season brings those Gilmore girls', let me wear a very light cover up, but over a sundress, 'I wish I was getting ready to go back to college still' depression, warm nights with possible air conditioning desire, wear sandals with jeans instead of shorts or skirts, pomegranate eating, ICED CHAI LATTE SEASON!

Wearing a cashmere sweater like I did today over my button down, spending Saturday walking around, perhaps Union Square farmers market with hot cider, perusing Strand, smelling books, making Squash Soup and Pork Chops with sauerkraut, deciding which fall or winter coat JCrew will provide you with for the season, enjoying the perfect temperature nights that wake you up chilly and hoping you're next to someone else to provide body warmth, nutmeg room spray smelling, knitting, seeing Christmas Movie trailers, considering and avoiding Halloween plans, William Sonoma visiting, PUMPKIN LATTE SEASON is not here yet!

I love this stuff but I can't love it till September 19th at the earliest. These are two different points of time. Two different experiences! Believe me!

So chill out and take down that damn sign.


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