Friday, September 23, 2005


I don't know why people tell me things. I've worked at this office today for 5 hours now and the intern just asked me if I've ever had a pregnancy scare-- I don't even know her name. I was like "uh.. why?" and she looked down and patted her belly. I said "oh.. uh.have you there any..." and she looked like I intruded and walked away.

This isn't the first time a random person has done this to me. The first time I had known the girl like a week and a half at the law office I was working in for the summer. The receptionist was a 19 year old girl, Sheena, from Queens.

I sat in a big open room off of the three lawyers offices about 50 feet from the receptionist's desk. Sheena was the only other person in the room and all the lawyers were in their offices at the time. I was typing some arbitrations when Sheena ran across the office to me and left a note crumbled up. She jetted back to her desk and stared at me as I opened it up. It was incredibly junior high- like she really thought that if one of the lawyers saw her stand up and pass a note she'd go to detention. I opened up the note and it said:

I think I'm pregnant:(

I looked up at this girl, who didn't know anything about me, not my love of SanDiego or allergy to cats, or affinity for chai lattes, nevermind my medical information or sex life and she made a sad face, shrugged, stood up and showed me her clearly pregnant belly. She must have weighed about 100 pounds and was wearing a slightly baggy top but this girl had to be 2 months pregnant.

When the lawyers left I didn't know whether or not to come outloud with it. She broke the silence by saying "I'm nervous, your second time isn't so bad but the third is an overnight." She proceeded to tell me about her first abortion, and telling me that, "All my friends have had overnights, which means more than 2. But I don't want to get like that. I don't care about this time, but I don't want to stay overnight in a hospital."

For the next 3 weeks she showed me the progress of her belly and I urged her to get it over with or make another decision. She told me she couldn't pass the 3 month mark but she wanted to wait as long as she could because it was kind of cool how hard her belly was getting and also she had just taken off some time from work, so she didn't want to do it again too soon.

I had gone back to school by the time Sheena came back from her abortion otherwise I'm sure I would have heard about all the details and how she wasn't looking forward to next time when she had to stay overnight.... made me a little more skeptical about myself for being pro-choice.


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